
Controversies in medicine: the role of calcium and vitamin D supplements in adults

Ian R Reid and Mark J Bolland
Med J Aust 2019; 211 (10): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50393
Published online: 18 November 2019


  • Vitamin D is made in the skin when exposed to sunlight, so deficiency is usually the result of low sunlight exposure (eg, in frail older people and in individuals who are veiled).
  • Calcium and/or vitamin D supplements have been used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. The major trials in community‐dwelling individuals have not demonstrated fracture prevention with either calcium, vitamin D, or their combination, but the results of a large study in vitamin D‐deficient nursing home residents indicated a reduced fracture incidence.
  • Trials show that vitamin D increases bone density when winter 25‐hydroxyvitamin D levels are below 25–30 nmol/L. However, assay expense and variability suggest that supplements are better targeted based on clinical status to frail older people and possibly to people with dark skin living at higher latitudes. A daily dose of 400–800 units (10–20 μg) is usually adequate.
  • Parenteral antiresorptive drugs can cause hypocalcaemia in severe vitamin D deficiency (< 25 nmol/L), which should therefore be corrected before treatment.
  • Clinical trials have not demonstrated benefits of vitamin D on non‐skeletal endpoints.
  • Calcium supplements in healthy individuals are not needed, nor are they required in most people receiving treatment for osteoporosis, where they have not been shown to affect treatment efficacy.
  • Calcium supplements cause constipation, bloating and kidney stones, and some evidence suggests they may cause a small increase in the risk of myocardial infarction.
  • Low dose vitamin D is safe, but high doses result in more falls and fractures. Current evidence does not support the use of these supplements in healthy community‐dwelling adults.

  • University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand



Ian Reid and Mark Bolland are supported by grants from the Health Research Council of New Zealand. The Health Research Council of New Zealand had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis or interpretation, reporting or publication.

Competing interests:

No relevant disclosures.

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Faecal calprotectin testing for identifying patients with organic gastrointestinal disease: systematic review and meta‐analysis

Yoon‐Kyo An, David Prince, Fergus Gardiner, Teresa Neeman, Ecushla C Linedale, Jane M Andrews, Susan Connor and Jakob Begun
Med J Aust 2019; 211 (10): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50384
Published online: 18 November 2019


Objectives: To assess the clinical effectiveness of faecal calprotectin (FC) testing for distinguishing between organic gastrointestinal diseases (organic GID), such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and functional gastrointestinal disorders (functional GIDs).

Study design: Studies that assessed the accuracy of FC testing for differentiating between IBD or organic GID and functional GIDs were reviewed. Articles published in English during January 1998 – June 2018 that compared diagnostic FC testing in primary care and outpatient hospital settings with a reference test and employed the standard enzyme‐linked immunosorbent FC assay method with a cut‐off of 50 or 100 μg/g faeces were included. Study quality was assessed with QUADAS‐2, an evidence‐based quality assessment tool for diagnostic accuracy studies.

Data sources: MEDLINE and EMBASE; reference lists of screened articles.

Data synthesis: Eighteen relevant studies were identified. For distinguishing patients with organic GID (including IBD) from those with functional GIDs (16 studies), the estimated sensitivity of FC testing was 81% (95% CI, 74–86%), the specificity 81% (95% CI, 71–88%); area under the curve (AUC) was 0.87. For distinguishing IBD from functional GIDs (ten studies), sensitivity was 88% (95% CI, 80–93%), specificity 72% (95% CI, 59–82%), and AUC 0.89. Assuming a population prevalence of organic GID of 1%, the positive predictive value was 4.2%, the negative predictive value 100%. The difference in sensitivity and specificity between FC testing cut‐offs of 50 μg/g and 100 μg/g faeces was not statistically significant (P = 0.77).

Conclusions: FC testing is clinically useful for distinguishing organic GID (including IBD) from functional GIDs, and its incorporation into clinical practice for evaluating patients with lower gastrointestinal symptoms could lead to fewer patients with functional GIDs undergoing colonoscopy, reducing costs for both patients and the health system.

PROSPERO registration: CRD4201810507.

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  • 1 Mater Hospital Brisbane, Brisbane, QLD
  • 2 University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD
  • 3 Liverpool Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • 4 South Western Sydney Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW
  • 5 Royal Flying Doctor Service, Canberra, ACT
  • 6 National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT
  • 7 Australian National University, Canberra, ACT
  • 8 University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA
  • 9 Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, SA
  • 10 Mater Research Institute, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD


Competing interests:

No relevant disclosures.

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Routine glucose assessment in the emergency department for detecting unrecognised diabetes: a cluster randomised trial

N Wah Cheung, Lesley V Campbell, Gregory R Fulcher, Patrick McElduff, Barbara Depczynski, Shamasunder Acharya, John Carter, Bernard Champion, Roger Chen, David Chipps, Jeff Flack, Jen Kinsella, Margaret Layton, Mark McLean, Robert G Moses, Kris Park, Ann M Poynten, Carol Pollock, Debbie Scadden, Katherine T Tonks, Mary Webber, Chris White, Vincent Wong and Sandy Middleton
Med J Aust 2019; 211 (10): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50394
Published online: 18 November 2019


Objective: To determine whether routine blood glucose assessment of patients admitted to hospital from emergency departments (EDs) results in higher rates of new diagnoses of diabetes and documentation of follow‐up plans.

Design, setting: Cluster randomised trial in 18 New South Wales public district and tertiary hospitals, 31 May 2011 – 31 December 2012; outcomes follow‐up to 31 March 2016.

Participants: Patients aged 18 years or more admitted to hospital from EDs.

Intervention: Routine blood glucose assessment at control and intervention hospitals; automatic requests for glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) assessment and notification of diabetes services about patients at intervention hospitals with blood glucose levels of 14 mmol/L or more.

Main outcome measure: New diagnoses of diabetes and documented follow‐up plans for patients with admission blood glucose levels of 14 mmol/L or more.

Results: Blood glucose was measured in 133 837 patients admitted to hospital from an ED. The numbers of new diabetes diagnoses with documented follow‐up plans for patients with blood glucose levels of 14 mmol/L or more were similar in intervention (83/506 patients, 16%) and control hospitals (73/278, 26%; adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.83; 95% CI 0.42–1.7; P = 0.61), as were new diabetes diagnoses with or without plans (intervention, 157/506, 31%; control, 86/278, 31%; aOR, 1.51; 95% CI, 0.83–2.80; P = 0.18). 30‐day re‐admission (31% v 22%; aOR, 1.34; 95% CI, 0.86–2.09; P = 0.21) and post‐hospital mortality rates (24% v 22%; aOR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.74–1.55; P = 0.72) were also similar for patients in intervention and control hospitals.

Conclusion: Glucose and HbA1c screening of patients admitted to hospital from EDs does not alone increase detection of previously unidentified diabetes. Adequate resourcing and effective management pathways for patients with newly detected hyperglycaemia and diabetes are needed.

Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, ACTRN12611001007921.

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  • 1 Westmead Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • 2 University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW
  • 3 St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • 4 Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • 5 University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW
  • 6 Prince of Wales Private Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • 7 Liverpool Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • 8 Fairfield Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • 9 John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, NSW
  • 10 Hornsby Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • 11 Nepean Hospital, Penrith, NSW
  • 12 Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • 13 Bankstown‐Lidcombe Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • 14 Ryde Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • 15 Gosford Hospital, Gosford, NSW
  • 16 Western Sydney University School of Medicine, Penrith, NSW
  • 17 Wollongong Hospital, Wollongong, NSW
  • 18 Murrumbidgee Local Health District, Wagga Wagga, NSW
  • 19 Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, NSW
  • 20 St Vincent's Health Australia, Sydney, NSW
  • 21 Australian Catholic University Nursing Research Institute, Sydney, NSW



This study was funded by a National Health and Medical Research grant (1013443) and the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, which also funded the project officer for the project, who was involved in data collection. We acknowledge the contributions of the following colleagues who supported the study as research assistants, site investigators, or pathology department employees: Nancy Cinnadaio, Ivan Kuo, Paul Tridgell, Tony Morrow, Graham Jones, Rita Horvath, Michael Earl, and Mark Bishop. NSW Health provided access to the linked datasets. Cause of Death Unit Record Files were provided by the Australian Coordinating Registry for the Cause of Death Unit Record File on behalf of the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, the NSW Coroner, and the National Coronial Information System.

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No relevant disclosures.


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Pyogenic hepatic abscess secondary to gastric perforation caused by an ingested fish bone

Sudharsan Venkatesan and Henrik Falhammar
Med J Aust 2019; 211 (10): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50395
Published online: 18 November 2019

An 88‐year‐old woman presented with 2 months of right upper quadrant pain, weight loss, and 3 days of fevers. Computed tomography scan of her abdomen demonstrated a 5.8 × 5.4 cm peripherally enhancing lesion (Figure, blue arrow) with a linear radiodensity suggestive of a fish bone traversing the gastric antrum and migrating into the liver (Figure, red arrow). Removal of the fish bone laparoscopically, drainage of the abscess, and 8 weeks of antibiotic therapy for Streptococcus constellatus cultured intraoperatively resulted in cure. Prompt recognition and surgical excision of the foreign body, with drainage of the abscess and appropriate antibiotic therapy are crucial for cure.1

  • 1 Royal Darwin Hospital, Darwin, NT
  • 2 Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, NT
  • 3 Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Competing interests:

No relevant disclosures.

  • 1. Leggieri N, Marques‐Vidal P, Cerwenka H, et al. Migrated foreign body liver abscess: illustrative case report, systematic review, and proposed diagnostic algorithm. Medicine (Baltimore) 2010; 89: 85–95.


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The ethics approval process for multisite research studies in Australia: changes sought by the Australian Genomics initiative

Matilda A Haas, Tiffany F Boughtwood and Michael CJ Quinn, on behalf of Australian Genomics
Med J Aust 2019; 211 (10): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50397
Published online: 18 November 2019

Australian Genomics is calling for a change in research ethics and governance frameworks

Australian Genomics is a national initiative building evidence to ensure the effective implementation of genomic medicine into Australian health care ( The research program is embedded in clinical practice, with 5000 patients with rare diseases and cancers being prospectively recruited for genomic testing into clinical flagship projects through 31 hospitals across Australia (Box 1). Achieving national recruitment will ensure that the clinical, diagnostic and research pathways are developed through the infrastructure and workforce in each jurisdiction. We initiated the research ethics and governance approval process for our multisite human research project, which was eligible for single ethical review by one Human Research Ethics Committee under the Australian National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) framework (Box 2), and recorded details relating to our experience in navigating the research ethics and governance system. This included any site‐specific assessment (SSA) requirements, review time, personnel costs, and causes of delay.

  • 1 Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Melbourne, VIC
  • 2 Australian Genomics Health Alliance, Melbourne, VIC
  • 3 Genetic Health Queensland, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Brisbane, QLD


The Australian Genomics Health Alliance is funded by a National Health and Medical Research Council grant (Grant Reference No. 1113531) and the Australian Government's Medical Research Future Fund. Members of the Australian Genomics Health Alliance who also supported and contributed to the publication of this work: Andrea M Belcher, Peta Phillips, Zornitza Stark, Adam Jaffe, Christopher Barnett, Julie McGaughran, Christopher Semsarian, Richard J Leventer, Katherine Howell, Andrew J Mallett, Aron Chakera, Chirag Patel, Cathy Quinlan, Amali Mallawaarachchi, Tony Roscioli, Kristi Jones, Matthew Cook, David R Thorburn, Paul J Lockhart, Cas Simons, Sebastian Lunke, Denise Howting, Clara Gaff, Deborah White, Marcel Dinger, Stephen Fox, Nigel Laing, Jozef Gecz, Ingrid E Scheffer, John Christodoulou, Andrew Sinclair and Kathryn N North. We thank Nikolajs Zeps and Craig Willers for their insightful comments on the manuscript.

Competing interests:

No relevant disclosures.

  • 1. De Smit E, Kearns LS, Clarke L, et al. Heterogeneity of Human Research Ethics Committees and Research Governance Offices across Australia: an observational study. Australas Med J 2016; 9: 33–39.
  • 2. Dove ES, Knoppers BM, Zawati MH. Towards an ethics safe harbor for global biomedical research. J Law Biosci 2014; 1: 3–51.
  • 3. Townend D, Dove ES, Nicol D, et al. Streamlining ethical review of data intensive research. BMJ 2016; 354: i4181.
  • 4. Tully J, Ninis N, Booy R, Viner R. The new system of review by multicentre research ethics committees: prospective study. BMJ 2000; 320: 1179–1182.
  • 5. Adebamowo SN, Francis V, Tambo E, et al. Implementation of genomics research in Africa: challenges and recommendations. Glob Health Action 2018; 11: 1419033.
  • 6. Global Alliance for Genomics and Health. Ethics Review Recognition Policy. Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, 2017. (viewed Oct 2019).
  • 7. Abbott L, Grady C. A systematic review of the empirical literature evaluating IRBs: what we know and what we still need to learn. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics 2011; 6: 3–19.
  • 8. Clay‐Williams R, Taylor N, Braithwaite J. Potential solutions to improve the governance of multicentre health services research. Med J Aust 2018; 208: 152–154.
  • 9. Vajdic CM, Meagher NS, Hicks SC, et al. Governance approval for multisite, non‐interventional research: what can Harmonisation of Multi‐Centre Ethical Review learn from the New South Wales experience? Intern Med J 2012; 42: 127–131.
  • 10. Productivity Commission. Data availability and use [Report No. 82]. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, 2017. (viewed Oct 2019).
  • 11. Aronson SJ, Rehm HL. Building the foundation for genomics in precision medicine. Nature 2015; 526: 336–342.
  • 12. Scollen S, Page A, Wilson J. From the data on many, precision medicine for “one”: the case for widespread genomic data sharing. Biomedicine Hub 2017; 2(Suppl): 104–110.
  • 13. The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Auton A, Brooks LD, Durbin RM, et al. A global reference for human genetic variation. Nature 2015; 526: 68–74.
  • 14. Boult M, Fitzpatrick K, Maddern G, Fitridge R. A guide to multi‐centre ethics for surgical research in Australia and New Zealand. ANZ J Surg 2011; 81: 132–136.
  • 15. Foot H, Scott IA, Russell GM, et al. Ethics and site‐specific governance approvals for multi‐centre, inter‐sector health care research. Med J Aust 2018; 209: 175–176.


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Pill‐testing as a harm reduction strategy: time to have the conversation

Jody Morgan and Alison Jones
Med J Aust 2019; 211 (10): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50385
Published online: 4 November 2019

Despite harm reduction being a pillar of the Australian National Drug Strategy, current governments are shying away from pill‐testing as a viable strategy

The recent deaths of five young Australians at music festivals has once again placed pill‐testing at the forefront of media discussion. Rates of drug use are significantly higher among certain subpopulations, with dance music nightclubs and music festivals being examples of places with elevated levels of drug use.1,2 Of 642 surveyed attendees at an Australian music festival, 73.4% reported drug taking compared with 28.2% of the general young adult population, and for 3,4‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; commonly known as ecstasy) use, this was as high as 59.8% compared with 7.0%.2 MDMA is increasingly available in powder and crystal forms with street names of molly, mandy and crystal, meaning some users do not associate the drug with ecstasy.

  • 1 University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW
  • 2 Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW


Competing interests:

No relevant disclosures.

  • 1. Benschop A, Rabes M, Korf DJ. Pill testing, ecstasy and prevention. Hanover: European Commission, Directorate‐General Health and Consumer Protection, 2002.
  • 2. Day N, Criss J, Griffiths B, et al. Music festival attendees' illicit drug use, knowledge and practices regarding drug content and purity: a cross‐sectional survey. Harm Reduct J 2018; 15: 1.
  • 3. Winstock AR, Barratt MJ, Maier LJ, et al. Global Drug Survey 2019: key findings report. London: Global Drug Survey, 2019. (viewed Oct 2019).
  • 4. Grigg J, Barratt MJ, Lenton S. Double dropping down under: correlates of simultaneous consumption of two ecstasy pills in a sample of Australian outdoor music festival attendees. Drug Alcohol Rev 2018; 37: 851–855.
  • 5. Saleemi S, Pennybaker SJ, Wooldridge M, Johnson MW. Who is ‘Molly’? MDMA adulterants by product name and the impact of harm‐reduction services at raves. J Psychopharmacol 2017; 31: 1056–1060.
  • 6. Groves A. ‘Worth the test?’ Pragmatism, pill testing and drug policy in Australia. Harm Reduct J 2018; 15: 12.
  • 7. Dolan K, MacDonald M, Silins E, Topp L. Needle and syringe programs: a review of the evidence. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, 2005.
  • 8. Barratt MJ, Kowalski M, Maier LJ, Ritter A. Global review of drug checking services operating in 2017. Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, 2018.
  • 9. Measham FC. Drug safety testing, disposals and dealing in an English field: exploring the operational and behavioural outcomes of the UK's first onsite ‘drug checking’ service. Int J Drug Policy 2019; 67: 102–107.
  • 10. Lowry T. Second pill‐testing trial at Groovin the Moo hailed a success as partygoers dump dangerous drugs. ABC News 2019; 29 Apr. (viewed June 2019).
  • 11. Kriener H, Billeth R, Gollner C, et al. An inventory of on‐site pill testing interventions in the EU. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addiction, 2001.
  • 12. Fisher H, Measham F. Night lives: reducing drug‐related harm in the night time economy. London: Hanway Associates, 2018.
  • 13. Brunt T. Drug checking as a harm reduction tool for recreational drug users: opportunities and challenges. Netherlands: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addiction, 2017.
  • 14. Hutchens G. Pill‐testing: budget office finds it would cost $16m to put services in major cities. The Guardian 2018; 9 Nov. (viewed June 2019).


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Moving beyond stepped care to staged care using a novel, technology‐enabled care model for youth mental health

Ian B Hickie
Med J Aust 2019; 211 (9): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50379
Published online: 4 November 2019

This model of care emphasises not only early access to assessment across a number of clinical and functional domains but also rapid and ongoing provision of stage‐appropriate interventions

Australia can rightly claim to lead the world in mental health awareness, especially for the mental health and wellbeing of young people.1 However, despite the development of designated primary care‐style services (eg, headspace),1 we still do not deliver effective care, early in the course of illness, to most young people with anxiety, depression, or alcohol or other substance misuse.2 Even when we do deliver care, the longer term functional outcomes are often disappointing.3 The consequences of this failure remain large — personally, socially and economically.4

  • Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW


Competing interests:

Project Synergy (2014–2016) was commissioned by the Department of Health and conducted by the Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre in partnership with the University of Sydney's Brain and Mind Centre. The Department of Health has provided Project Synergy further funding of $30 million which has led to the development of InnoWell Pty Ltd, a joint venture between the University of Sydney and PricewaterhouseCoopers (Australia) (PwC). InnoWell has developed the InnoWell Platform, which is mentioned throughout the Supplement as a technology‐enabled solution to reform mental health care services. The University of Sydney and PwC (Australia) each have a 45% shareholding in InnoWell. The remaining 10% shareholding is evenly shared between Professor Jane Burns and Professor Ian Hickie.

  • 1. McGorry P, Goldstone S, Parker A, et al. Cultures for mental health care of young people: an Australian blueprint for reform. Lancet Psychiatry 2014; 1: 559–568.
  • 2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Mental health services: in brief 2018. Canberra: AIHW; 2018. (accessed Sep 2019).
  • 3. Iorfino F, Hermens D, Cross S, et al. Delineating the trajectories of social and occupational functioning of young people attending early intervention mental health services in Australia: a longitudinal study. BMJ Open 2018; 8. e020678.
  • 4. Patel V, Saxena S, Lund C, et al. The Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development. Lancet 2018; 392: 1553–1598.
  • 5. Liberal Party of Australia. Our plan for youth mental health and suicide prevention. (accessed Sep 2019).
  • 6. Hickie IB, Scott EM, Cross SP, et al. Right care, first time: a highly personalised and measurement‐based care model to manage youth mental health. Med J Aust 2019; 211 (9 Suppl): S3–S46.
  • 7. Hickie IB, Davenport TA, Burns J. Project Synergy: co‐designing technology‐enabled solutions for Australian mental health services reform. Med J Aust 2019; 211 (7 Suppl): S3–S39.
  • 8. Lewis CC, Boyd M, Puspitasari A, et al. Implementing measurement‐based care in behavioral health: a review. JAMA Psychiatry 2019; 76: 324–335.
  • 9. Iorfino F, Hickie I, Lee R, et al. The underlying neurobiology of key functional domains in young people with mood and anxiety disorders: a systematic review. BMC Psychiatry 2016; 16: 156.
  • 10. McGorry P, Hickie I, Yung A, et al. Clinical staging of psychiatric disorders: a heuristic framework for choosing earlier, safer and more effective interventions. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2006; 40: 616–622.
  • 11. McGorry PD, Purcell R, Hickie IB, et al. Clinical staging: a heuristic model for psychiatry and youth mental health. Med J Aust 2007; 187: S40.
  • 12. McGorry P, Hickie I, editors. Clinical staging in psychiatry: making diagnosis work for research and treatment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
  • 13. Iorfino F, Scott EM, Carpenter JS, et al. Clinical stage transitions in persons aged 12 to 25 years presenting to early intervention mental health services with anxiety, mood, and psychotic disorders. JAMA Psychiatry 2019;
  • 14. McGorry PD, Ratheesh A, O'Donoghue B. Early intervention – an implementation challenge for 21st century mental health care. JAMA Psychiatry 2018; 75: 545–546.
  • 15. Couvy‐Duchesne B, O'Callaghan V, Parker R, et al. Nineteen and Up study (19Up): understanding pathways to mental health disorders in young Australian twins. BMJ Open. 2018; 8: e018959.
  • 16. Hickie I, Scott J, Hermens D, et al. Clinical classification in mental health at the cross‐roads: which direction next? BMC Med 2013; 11: 125.
  • 17. Chang L, Couvy‐Duchesne B, Medland S, et al. The genetic relationship between psychological distress, somatic distress, affective disorders, and substance use in young Australian adults: a multivariate twin study. Twin Res Hum Genet 2018; 21: 347–360.
  • 18. Hickie IB, Hermens DF, Naismith SL, et al. Evaluating differential developmental trajectories to adolescent‐onset mood and psychotic disorders. BMC Psychiatry 2013; 13: 303.
  • 19. Hickie IB, Banati R, Stewart CH, Lloyd AR. Are common childhood or adolescent infections risk factors for schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders? Med J Aust 2009; 190: S17–S21.
  • 20. Baune B, editor. Inflammation and immunity in depression: basic science and clinical applications. Academic Press, 2018.
  • 21. Weber D. Groundbreaking study links immune system to mental health. ABC News 2016; 27 May. (accessed Sep 2019).
  • 22. Australian Government Department of Health. The size, skill level and distribution of the workforce with mental health skills. September 2010. (accessed Sep 2019).
  • 23. Carbone S, Rickwood D, Tanti C. Workforce shortages and their impact on Australian youth mental health service reform. Adv Mental Health 2011; 10: 92–97.
  • 24. Page A, Atkinson J, Campos W, et al. A decision support tool to inform local suicide prevention activity in Greater Western Sydney (Australia). Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2018; 52: 983–993.


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Extending the criteria for acceptable organ donors: balancing the risks

Sakhee Kotecha and Trevor J Williams
Med J Aust 2019; 211 (9): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50370
Published online: 4 November 2019

Understanding the low risk of blood‐borne virus infections in donors could help expand the pool of available organs

Solid organ donation and transplantation rates in Australia have increased in recent years, but demand continues to exceed supply.1 Morbidity and mortality for people on the waiting list remain problems, and strategies to expand the donor pool include accepting donations after circulatory death and adopting extended criteria for acceptable donors.2

  • 1 Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC
  • 2 Monash University, Melbourne, VIC


Competing interests:

No relevant disclosures.

  • 1. Australia and New Zealand Organ Donation Registry. Organ waiting list. (viewed June 2019).
  • 2. Rakhra SS, Opdam HI, Gladkis L, et al. Untapped potential in Australian hospitals for organ donation after circulatory death. Med J Aust 2017; 207: 294–301.
  • 3. Kucirka LM, Sarathy H, Govindan P, et al. Risk of window period HIV infection in high infectious risk donors: systematic review and meta‐analysis. Am J Transplant 2011; 11: 1176–1187.
  • 4. Kucirka LM, Sarathy H, Govindan P, et al. Risk of window period hepatitis‐C infection in high infectious risk donors: systematic review and meta‐analysis. Am J Transplant 2011; 11: 1188–1200.
  • 5. Waller KMJ, De La Mata NL, Kelly PJ, et al. Residual risk of infection with blood‐borne viruses in potential organ donors at increased risk of infection: systematic review and meta‐analysis. Med J Aust 2019; 211: 414–420.
  • 6. Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry. Mortality in end stage kidney disease. In: ANZDATA 41st annual report (2018). Adelaide: ANZDATA, 2018. (viewed June 2019).
  • 7. Australia and New Zealand Liver Transplant Registry. 29th registry report 2017. Brisbane: ANZLTR, 2017. (viewed June 2019).
  • 8. Australia and New Zealand Cardiothoracic Organ Transplant Registry. 2018 report. (viewed 24 June 2019).
  • 9. Günthard HF, Saag MS, Benson CA, et al. Antiretroviral drugs for treatment and prevention of HIV infection in adults. JAMA 2016; 316: 191–210.
  • 10. Defresne F, Sokal E. Chronic hepatitis B in children: therapeutic challenges and perspectives. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2017; 32: 368–371.
  • 11. Liu SK, Seto WK, Lai CL, Yuen MF. Hepatitis B: treatment choice and monitoring for response and resistance. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2016; 10: 697–707.
  • 12. Vallet‐Pichard A, Fontaine H, Mallet V, Pol S. Viral hepatitis in solid organ transplantation other than liver. J Hepatol 2011; 55: 474–482.
  • 13. Mohanty SR, Cotler SJ. Management of hepatitis B in liver transplant patients. J Clin Gastroenterol 2005; 39: 58–63.
  • 14. D'Ambrosio R, Degasperi E, Colombo M, Aghemo A. Direct‐acting antivirals: the endgame for hepatitis C? Curr Opin Virol 2017; 24: 31–37.
  • 15. Goldberg DS, Abt PL, Reese PP; THINKER Trial Investigators. Transplanting HCV‐infected kidneys into uninfected recipients. N Engl J Med 2017; 377: 1105.
  • 16. Schlendorf KH, Zalawadiya S, Shah AS, et al. Early outcomes using hepatitis C‐positive donors for cardiac transplantation in the era of effective direct‐acting anti‐viral therapies. J Heart Lung Transplant 2018; 37: 763–769.
  • 17. Woolley AE, Singh SK, Goldberg HJ, et al; DONATE HCV Trial Team. Heart and lung transplants from HCV‐infected donors to uninfected recipients. N Engl J Med 2019; 380: 1606–1617.
  • 18. Snell GI, Westall GP, Oto T. Donor risk prediction: how “extended” is safe? Curr Opin Organ Transplant 2013; 18: 507–512.
  • 19. Eberlein M, Reed RM. Donor to recipient sizing in thoracic organ transplantation. World J Transplant 2016; 6: 155–164.


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Nationally linked data to improve health services and policy

Tom G Briffa, Louisa Jorm, Rodney T Jackson, Christopher Reid and Derek P Chew
Med J Aust 2019; 211 (9): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50368
Published online: 4 November 2019

A well designed National Integrated Health Services Information Analysis Asset will improve services and policy

New Zealand continues to set best practice standards internationally for cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk prediction and management. A 2018 study, using data from the PREDICT general practice cohort linked with demographic, prior medical history and drug‐dispensing data highlighted that the risk of CVD is best estimated from longitudinal follow‐up of a contemporary nationally representative cohort initially free of disease.1 PREDICT is a risk tool that incorporates new predictors of socio‐economic deprivation and ethnicity and better reflects the population whose risk is being assessed. In comparison, the application of earlier international risk equations to Australasian populations, such as the Pooled Cohort Risk Equations (PCEs)2 in the United States and QRISK in the United Kingdom,3 are likely to substantially underestimate or overestimate risk, leading to either undertreatment or overtreatment. Where underestimates of risk occur, the individual is falsely reassured and no indication to commence preventive treatment is apparent. The reverse is true for overestimates of risk, where an indication to start preventive treatment is unnecessary. This is particularly true among socially disadvantaged and ethnically diverse populations, where both PCEs and QRISK underperform. New Zealand's ability to integrate its administrative health datasets with other data sources — in this case, primary care — has enabled the conduct of this policy changing research. The New Zealand's Ministry of Health has adopted and supported the roll‐out of the updated CVD risk management guidelines recommending that general practitioners use the new PREDICT‐derived CVD risk equation. It is thus important that Australia has a national repository that enables the combination of routine health datasets with other data sources, existing and emerging, to permit evaluation of health care and inform policy decisions.

  • 1 University of Western Australia, Perth, WA
  • 2 Centre for Big Data Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, NSW
  • 3 University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
  • 4 Curtin University, Perth, WA
  • 5 Flinders University, Adelaide, SA


Competing interests:

No relevant disclosures.


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Pilot trial of digital breast tomosynthesis (3D mammography) for population‐based screening in BreastScreen Victoria

Nehmat Houssami, Darren Lockie, Michelle Clemson, Vicki Pridmore, David Taylor, Georgina Marr, Jill Evans and Petra Macaskill
Med J Aust 2019; 211 (8): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50320
Published online: 21 October 2019


Objectives: To estimate detection measures for tomosynthesis and standard mammography; to assess the feasibility of using tomosynthesis in population‐based screening for breast cancer.

Design, setting: Prospective pilot trial comparing tomosynthesis (with synthesised 2D images) and standard mammography screening of women attending Maroondah BreastScreen, a BreastScreen Victoria service in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne.

Participants: Women at least 40 years of age who presented for routine breast screening between 18 August 2017 and 8 November 2018.

Main outcome measures: Cancer detection rate (CDR); proportion of screens that led to recall for further assessment.

Results: 5018 tomosynthesis and 5166 standard mammography screens were undertaken in 10 146 women; 508 women (5.0% of screens) opted not to undergo tomosynthesis screening. With tomosynthesis, 49 cancers (40 invasive, 9 in situ) were detected (CDR, 9.8 [95% CI, 7.2–13] per 1000 screens); with standard mammography, 34 cancers (30 invasive, 4 in situ) were detected (CDR, 6.6 [95% CI, 4.6–9.2] per 1000 screens). The estimated difference in CDR was 3.2 more detections (95% CI, –0.32 to 6.8) per 1000 screens with tomosynthesis; the difference was greater for repeat screens and for women aged 60 years or more. The recall rate was greater for tomosynthesis (4.2%; 95% CI, 3.6–4.8%) than standard mammography (3.0%; 95% CI, 2.6–3.5%; estimated difference, 1.2%; 95% CI, 0.46–1.9%). The median screen reading time for tomosynthesis was 67 seconds (interquartile range [IQR] 46–105 seconds); for standard mammography, 16 seconds (IQR, 10–29 seconds).

Conclusions: Breast cancer detection, recall for assessment, and screen reading time were each higher for tomosynthesis than for standard mammography. Our preliminary findings could form the basis of a large scale comparative evaluation of tomosynthesis and standard mammography for breast screening in Australia.

Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, ACTRN12617000947303.

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  • 1 Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW
  • 2 Eastern Health Breast and Cancer Centre, Melbourne, VIC
  • 3 BreastScreen Victoria, Melbourne, VIC
  • 4 Box Hill Hospital, Melbourne, VIC


The study was funded by a National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) Australia pilot study grant. Nehmat Houssami is funded by an NBCF Breast Cancer Research Leadership Fellowship. We thank Sue Viney and John Heggie for important contributions to our study. We thank the radiology, radiography, data and administrative staff at Maroondah BreastScreen, and also thank the information technology staff, the client communications and recruitment team, and the data management staff at BreastScreen Victoria for helping us implement the trial. We thank the women who attended Maroondah BreastScreen and participated in the study.

Competing interests:

No relevant disclosures.

  • 1. Lauby‐Secretan B, Scoccianti C, Loomis D, et al; International Agency for Research on Cancer Handbook Working Group. Breast‐cancer screening: viewpoint of the IARC Working Group. N Engl J Med 2015; 372: 2353–2358.
  • 2. Nelson HD, Fu R, Cantor A, et al. Effectiveness of breast cancer screening: systematic review and meta‐analysis to update the 2009 US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation. Ann Int Med 2016; 164: 244–255.
  • 3. Marmot MG, Altman DG, Cameron DA, et al. The benefits and harms of breast cancer screening: an independent review. Br J Cancer 2013; 108: 2205–2240.
  • 4. Houssami N, Miglioretti DL. Digital breast tomosynthesis: a brave new world of mammography screening. JAMA Oncol 2016; 2: 725–727.
  • 5. Ciatto S, Houssami N, Bernardi D, et al. Integration of 3D digital mammography with tomosynthesis for population breast‐cancer screening (STORM): a prospective comparison study. Lancet Oncol 2013; 14: 583–589.
  • 6. Marinovich ML, Hunter KE, Macaskill P, Houssami N. Breast cancer screening using tomosynthesis or mammography: a meta‐analysis of cancer detection and recall. J Natl Cancer Inst 2018; 110: 942–949.
  • 7. Zackrisson S, Lång K, Rosso A, et al. One‐view breast tomosynthesis versus two‐view mammography in the Malmo Breast Tomosynthesis Screening Trial (MBTST): a prospective, population‐based, diagnostic accuracy study. Lancet Oncol 2018; 19: 1493–1503.
  • 8. Pattacini P, Nitrosi A, Giorgi Rossi P, et al; RETomo Working Group. Digital mammography versus digital mammography plus tomosynthesis for breast cancer screening: the Reggio Emilia tomosynthesis randomized trial. Radiology 2018; 288: 375–385.
  • 9. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. BreastScreen Australia monitoring report 2014–2015 (Cat. No. CAN 105; Cancer series no. 106). Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2017.
  • 10. Yun SJ, Ryu CW, Rhee SJ, et al. Benefit of adding digital breast tomosynthesis to digital mammography for breast cancer screening focused on cancer characteristics: a meta‐analysis. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2017; 164: 557–569.
  • 11. Bernardi D, Macaskill P, Pellegrini M, et al. Breast cancer screening with tomosynthesis (3D mammography) with acquired or synthetic 2D mammography compared with 2D mammography alone (STORM‐2): a population‐based prospective study. Lancet Oncol 2016; 17: 1105–1113.
  • 12. Houssami N, Lee CI. The impact of legislation mandating breast density notification: review of the evidence. Breast 2018; 42: 102–112.
  • 13. Bernardi D, Ciatto S, Pellegrini M, et al. Application of breast tomosynthesis in screening: incremental effect on mammography acquisition and reading time. Br J Radiol 2012; 85: e1174–e1178.


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