Privacy policy

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Who are we?

Australasian Medical Publishing Co Proprietary Limited (AMPCo) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Australian Medical Association (AMA).

Our core business is producing leading-edge health information and resources.

This Privacy Policy sets out how we protect your privacy in each aspect of our business.

We are also subject to the Privacy Act 1988 and other applicable State and Territory privacy law. There is more information about these laws on the Australian Information Commissioner’s website: www.oaic.gov.au.

MJA and InSight+

AMPCo publishes and distributes the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA), InSight+ and the InSight+ eNewsletter.

AMPCo collects name and contact details from AMA and State and Territory AMAs for the purpose of providing AMA members with the MJA.  The AMAs are separate legal entities to us and have their own privacy policies.  AMA members may also subscribe to the InSight+ eNewsletter using their AMA log on.

If you are not an AMA member, you may purchase a subscription to MJA.  As part of this you will need to provide your name, preferred contact details and your payment information.  Non-members may also subscribe to the InSight+ eNewsletter.  You will need to provide your name and email address in order to create an account.

MJA - Jobs

AMPCo operates a job board service called 'Jobs' as part of MJA.

The information you provide to 'Jobs' is being collected by AMPCo for the purposes of marketing 'Jobs' and other services that AMPCo provides.

While AMPCo takes all due care in ensuring the privacy of the information you provide, transactions over the internet may be intercepted by third parties. AMPCo disclaims all liability to you to the greatest extent possible pursuant to law should this occur.  Your personal information (including personal information that is not visible to external users) may also be accessed by AMPCo staff and contractors while stored on AMPCo systems.

AMPCo has contracted Your Membership to operate 'Jobs'.  Their privacy policy is available at http://jobs.mja.com.au/employer/privacy/ or http://jobs.mja.com.au/jobseeker/privacy

MJA – Book shop

AMPCo operates a book shop as part of MJA.  In order to purchase items you will need to provide your credit card details and your preferred delivery address.

Medical Directory of Australia

AMPCo collects information about Australian medical practitioners, their training and their professional practice for inclusion in the Medical Directory of Australia (MDA).   The MDA does not include any health information.

The MDA was first published in 1948 and is Australia’s leading online medical database used to search and locate doctors and health facilities nationwide. The MDA is available to subscribers via MDA Online. A limited free public search facility is also available.

How we collect information

The AMA and State and Territory Australian Medical Associations provide us with personal information which we incorporate into the MDA. The AMAs are separate legal entities to us and have their own privacy policies. Doctors (including AMA members) can opt out of the MDA at any time.

We also collect personal information directly from personnel on our database, members of the public, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and other government agencies, colleges, medical and other health professional associations, journalists, persons purchasing services from us, from our suppliers and other publicly available directories, websites and databases.

Purposes for which we collect, use and disclose information

We primarily use information in our MDA database to compile MDA Online.   We may also use it to provide doctors and practices with:

·       government health warnings

·       information regarding pharmaceutical drug and device recalls

·       information about changes to our website

·       new products and services that may be of interest to you.

Updating your information

All personal and business listings on MDA Online are completely free of charge, and doctors and practices can advise us on any changes to their displayed information by:

·       contacting listings@mda.com.au 

·       using the online feedback form provided on the listee page

·       contact our privacy officer at the address below.

If you are a member of the AMA, we will notify the AMA of the change.  Note that information marked “Not For Publication” (NFP) on our Profile Update Form will still be included in material disclosed to the AMA and their related bodies.

Disclosure of information on MDA database to third parties

AMPCo licenses data in its MDA database to third parties for the purpose of direct marketing of organisations, products and services that we believe may be of interest to you or may assist and support you, your practice and your patients.  These include:

·       Government or academic research projects (e.g. demographics)

·       internet health portal directories;

·       pharmaceutical company studies or products;

·       approved mailing and distribution businesses (to enable distribution of the items referred to above)

·       other businesses with service and goods offerings relevant to you

·       statistical and industry analysis.

We only provide others with information that would identify you if it is necessary to provide you with the service or information that you requested, you have agreed to us providing it to them (for example, as part of signing up for MDA) or it is already publicly available information.

Can I opt out of direct marketing?

Whenever we send direct marketing material to a person or organisation in the MDA database, we will also provide you with a means to advise us that you no longer wish to receive some or all of this material. Where we license the use of your information to a third party for direct marketing purposes, we require that the third party provide you with a means of opting out of receiving further direct marketing material.

For members of the AMA, we will also seek your consent to use your information for direct marketing of goods and services that do not form part of your membership entitlements with the relevant Federal, State or Territory AMA.

How do we store and protect the information we hold about you?

We store your information at our premises, in electronic systems under our control and with contracted data storage providers. We take appropriate steps to protect the security of the information we hold about you, including protections against unauthorised access, virus or other electronic intrusions, fire, theft or loss. We require our contracted providers to do the same. Our staff are bound by strict requirements regarding the protection of the privacy of the information we collect and hold about you.

We or our contracted data storage providers may use servers, systems and cloud computing providers outside of Australia. Our contracts with them require them to protect the privacy of your information when held on these servers and/or using cloud computing. Our contractors are also required to comply with Australian Privacy laws.

Do you send my information overseas?

In addition to the use from time to time of data storage and cloud providers, we may also license use of information on our databases to overseas based companies and organisations for direct marketing. All entities to whom we license use of this information are required to comply with Australia Privacy laws and can only use the information for the purpose specified in the licence.

For how long do you keep my personal information?

We generally keep your personal information active for as long as is reasonably required to enable us to meet your needs.

As part of our data security, we regularly backup and archive our electronic databases.

Contact us

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to:

·       check what information we hold about you

·       update any of your details

·       change your preferences

·       make a complaint or ask a question

privacyofficer@ampco.com.au  or  yourpreferences@ampco.com.au.

Australasian Medical Publishing Co Proprietary Ltd
Postal address: Locked
Bag 3030, Strawberry
Hills, NSW 2012

Telephone: (02) 9562 6666

Facsimile: (02) 9562 6600


January 2019