Tobacco control advocate Simon Chapman explains how this public health reform will work
In past months, Australian news audiences have been exposed to some exotic, presumed-extinct species on their screens and radios. After more than 15 years, the tobacco industry dodo is back and walking among us, attempting to fly. Australia’s pioneering plain packaging legislation has brought it out into public, in a desperate effort to prevent the fall of a domino that promises to cascade globally, ending the industry’s centrepiece of tobacco promotion: the lure of the pack.
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- 1. Bark E. Big tobacco gets smoked. Dallas Morning News 1999; Oct 21. (accessed Aug 2011).
- 2. Durkin SJ, Germian D, Wakefield M. Adults’ perceptions about whether tobacco companies tell the truth in relation to issues about smoking. Tob Control 2005; 14: 429-430.
- 3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2010 National Drug Strategy Household Survey report. Canberra: AIHW, 2011. (AIHW Cat. No. PHE 145; Drug Statistics Series No. 25.)
I am a director of Action on Smoking and Health Australia and Emeritus Editor of Tobacco Control.