We can learn from the US Breakthrough Collaborative, which increased organ donation rates by 20% in 3 years
Organ donation saves lives. This trite but true slogan applies to all the solid organs that are currently transplanted. Even in patients with kidney failure, where dialysis provides long-term treatment, the mortality rate is reduced significantly in those who receive transplants compared with those remaining on the waiting list.1 Improved survival, improved quality of life and reduced economic costs of care provide an unusual coincidence of benefits from this therapy.
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- 1 Kidney Health Australia, Adelaide, SA.
- 2 Westmead Hospital, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW.
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- 8. Australian Government Minister for Health and Ageing. Flame of life ignites awareness of organ donation. Media release ABB016/06. 19 February 2006. http://www.health.gov.au/internet/ministers/publishing.nsf/Content/health-mediarel-yr2006-ta-abb016.htm?OpenDocument&yr=2006&mth=2 (accessed Aug 2006).
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