Christine Y Lu,* Kenneth M Williams,† Lyn March,‡ James V Bertouch,§ Richard O Day¶
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Richard Day is a member of the Advisory Board to sponsors of adalimumab and infliximab, but all payments are received into an audited trust account for research. Ken Williams is a member of the Advisory Board and has been an advisor to the sponsor of adalimumab (Abbott), but has not received recompense. Lyn March is chairperson of the Australian Rheumatology Association Database Steering Committee and, in this capacity, has negotiated with sponsors of etanercept, adalimumab, infliximab, anakinra and leflunomide for educational grants that have been placed in audited trust funds in the Australian Rheumatology Association and the University of Sydney. James Bertouch has been an advisor to sponsors of adalimumab, infliximab, etanercept, anakinra and leflunomide. Recompense received for clinical trials has been placed in audited hospital trust funds for use in the research activities of the Rheumatology Unit, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney.