In reply: We thank Rickwood and colleagues1 for their interest in our article.2 Given limited resources to meet the increasing need for psychiatric care, services should focus on people with clinically significant symptoms and deliver sustained improvements that are clinically, as well as statistically, significant. There should also be adequate follow‐up so that results are generalisable. We therefore used headspace's own definitions of follow‐up (90 days post‐treatment) and clinically significant improvement (only possible if presenting symptoms are of clinical severity).3,4,5 In all the cited studies,3,4,5,6 follow‐up was very low and so it is legitimate to highlight that they represent a small, unrepresentative proportion of overall headspace attendees.6
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- 1. Rickwood DJ, Trethowan J, McGorry PD. Latest evidence casts further doubt on the effectiveness of headspace [letter]. Med J Aust 2023; 218: 542.
- 2. Kisely S, Looi JCL Latest evidence casts further doubt on the effectiveness of headspace. Med J Aust 2022; 217: 388‐390.‐evidence‐casts‐further‐doubt‐effectiveness‐headspace
- 3. Rickwood D, McEachran J, Saw A, et al. Sixteen years of innovation in youth mental healthcare in Australia: outcomes for young people attending headspace centre services [preprint]. MedRXiv 25 Aug 2022; (viewed Apr 2023).
- 4. Bassilios B, Telford N, Rickwood D, et al. Complementary primary mental health programs for young people in Australia: Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) and headspace. Int J Mental Health Syst 2017; 11: 19.
- 5. Rickwood DJ, Telford NR, Mazzer K, et al. Changes in psychological distress and psychosocial functioning for young people accessing headspace centres for mental health problems. Med J Aust 2015; 202: 573‐542.‐psychological‐distress‐and‐psychosocial‐functioning‐young‐people
- 6. KPMG. Evaluation of the national headspace program. Final Report to Department of Health. Sydney: KPMG, 2022.‐of‐the‐national‐headspace‐program.pdf (viewed Mar 2023).
- 7. Kisely SR, Bastiampillai T, Allison S, Looi JC. More smoke and mirrors: fifteen further reasons to doubt the effectiveness of headspace. Australas Psychiatry 2023. doi: [Epub ahead of print].
No relevant disclosures.