
The general practitioner and the pharmacist: a policy enigma?

Justin Beilby
Med J Aust 2021; 214 (5): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50957
Published online: 15 March 2021

Integrating pharmacists into general practice, aged care, and hospital services will enhance the quality use of medicines

Integrating the skills of health care providers in a blended and integrated manner will deliver the best value care to the community. Achieving this goal commenced with the establishment and spread of integrated primary care practices that provide complete personal care by including general practitioners and practice nurses, allied health clinicians, and alternative health practitioners. One of the most important health care providers still needed is the community pharmacist.

  • Deputy Vice‐Chancellor Research, Torrens University Australia, Adelaide, SA



I thank Helen Stone (South Australia/Northern Territory manager, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia) for providing information on alternative general practitioner and pharmacist models.

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