Routine glucose assessment in the emergency department for detecting unrecognised diabetes: a cluster randomised trial | The Medical Journal of Australia

Routine glucose assessment in the emergency department for detecting unrecognised diabetes: a cluster randomised trial

N Wah Cheung, Lesley V Campbell and Sandy Middleton
Med J Aust 2020; 213 (2): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50549
Published online: 20 July 2020

In reply: We thank Fourlanos and colleagues for their comments regarding our cluster randomised trial,1 which demonstrated that emergency department screening for diabetes and hyperglycaemia alone did not improve identification of diabetes, documentation of follow‐up plans, or hospital outcomes. The RAPIDS trial has shown that after identification through screening, intervention by a specialised inpatient diabetes team (IDT) is required to achieve improved outcomes.2 But this IDT comes with additional cost, which is a major barrier to the implementation of such teams around Australia.

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