
COVID-19: primary care response plan; and, First Nations lead the way

Cate Swannell
Med J Aust 2020; (): 1.
Published online: 29 April 2020

TWO new COVID-19 articles have been published online today by the Medical Journal of Australia. Both are open access and available now.

1. Australia’s National COVID-19 Primary Care Response

“Australia’s investment in the primary care response to COVID-19 is enabling effective frontline care while mitigating spread, and protecting the ongoing health of the nation’s most vulnerable people.”

2. First Nations people leading the way in COVID-19 pandemic planning, response and management

“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander public health practitioners and researchers have been pivotal in identifying the issues, setting priorities and suggesting solutions for culturally informed strategies.”

All MJA COVID-19 articles are open access and available at

All MJA media releases are open access and can be found at:  

  • Cate Swannell1

  • Medical Journal of Australia



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