

MJA Podcasts
Volume 200, Issue 5 - 17 March 2014

MJA Centenary Series 2

The second podcast in our Centenary Year series features Professor David Cooper, Director of the Kirby Institute for infection and immunity in society at the University of New South Wales. Professor Cooper was there when Harvard Medical School researchers discovered the cell surface markers of T cells in 1983. He established the HIV/AIDS ward at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney and has been at the forefront of HIV research ever since.

Cate Swannell and Professor Cooper reflect on the history of the HIV and AIDs pandemic. They review the turning point in the treatment of the disease, from a death sentence to chronic illness. They also take a look at the current data, including the worrisome increase in rate of infection in Australia and what factors might be causing this trend. Finally they round off the discussion with the future of the disease, what treatment options are currently being researched (including the exciting world of vaccination) and whether a cure is practicable.