To the Editor: Palliative radiotherapy is effective for symptomatic management of bone metastases in cancer patients. However, it may take 2–4 weeks after completion of radiotherapy to achieve maximal clinical response.1 Radiotherapy can be delivered as a single fraction treatment (SFRT), or over a more protracted course of multifraction treatment (MFRT).2 Randomised trials have consistently shown that SFRT and MFRT provide equally effective symptom control,3 and SFRT is associated with lower medical and societal cost,4 allowing for better health services utilisation. Hence, in patients with poor prognosis, the use of SFRT over MFRT should be encouraged to minimise the time patients spend on treatment at the end of life without compromising efficacy.
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We thank the Centre for Victorian Data Linkage for performing data linkages and providing access to the dataset.
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