
Adherence to diabetic eye examination guidelines in Australia: the National Eye Health Survey

Amelia J Lake, Jessica L Browne and Jane Speight
Med J Aust 2018; 208 (2): . || doi: 10.5694/mja17.00535
Published online: 5 February 2018

To the Editor:

  • 1 Australian Centre for Behavioural Research in Diabetes, Melbourne, VIC
  • 2 Deakin University, Geelong, VIC



Amelia J Lake is a PhD candidate at Deakin University, funded by a grant from Vision 2020 Australia. Jessica L Browne and Jane Speight are supported by the core funding to the Australian Centre for Behavioural Research in Diabetes, provided by a collaboration between Diabetes Victoria and Deakin University.

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No relevant disclosures.


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