The Editorial by Harvey and Diug1 on the value of food fortification as a public health intervention was prompted by demonstration of the effectiveness of mandatory iodine fortification in reducing iodine deficiency.2 Mandatory fortification of wheat flour for bread making was introduced in Australia at the same time to prevent neural tube defects. Harvey and Diug state that the two are conceptually different, as the former addresses a population iodine deficiency, whereas folic acid fortification is to compensate a presumed genetic defect that cannot be individually recognised, thus raising ethical questions about exposing the many for the benefit of the few. However, this is the case in almost all public health interventions. Using an example of Harvey and Diug, we expose the whole population to the mandatory fortification of flour with thiamine to prevent Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome, a condition largely confined to people with a chronic alcohol problem.
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- 1. Harvey KJ, Diug BO. The value of food fortification as a public health intervention. Med J Aust 2018; 208: 111-112. <MJA full text>
- 2. Hynes KL, Seal JA, Otahal P, et al. Iodine adequacy in Tasmania sustained after 7 years of mandatory bread fortification. Med J Aust 2018; 208: 126. <MJA full text>
- 3. Vaish S, White M, Daly L, et al. Synthetic folic acid intakes and status in children living in Ireland exposed to voluntary fortification. Am J Clin Nutrition 2016; 103: 512-518.
- 4. Hilder L, National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit, University of New South Wales. Neural tube defects in Australia 2007–2011: before and after implementation of the mandatory folic acid fortification standard. Publications Number 11488. Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Health; 2016.
- 5. Bower C, Maxwell S, Hickling S, et al. Folate status in Aboriginal people before and after mandatory fortification of flour for bread-making in Australia. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 2016; 56: 233-237.
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