
The impact of industry self-regulation on television marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to Australian children

Lisa G Smithers, Tracy L Merlin and John W Lynch
Med J Aust 2013; 199 (3): . || doi: 10.5694/mja13.10562
Published online: 5 August 2013

Could recent initiatives in industry self-regulation be missing the mark?

Across the world, reports by reputable scientific organisations have concluded that food marketing influences the types of foods that children want to eat, children’s requests for food purchases and, ultimately, the foods that children consume.1 This type of evidence led to the National Preventative Health Taskforce’s recommendation to target food marketing to children as part of Australia’s strategy for tackling overweight and obesity.2

  • University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA.

Competing interests:

The authors received financial support from the Australian National Preventive Health Agency to conduct a systematic review on food advertising to Australian children. John Lynch is funded by an Australia Fellowship (570120) from the National Health and Medical Research Council. Lisa Smithers is supported by funds from the Australia Fellowship awarded to John Lynch. Tracy Merlin received funding for contract research commissioned by the Department of Health and Ageing.


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