To the Editor: At the risk of appearing self-serving, we refer to our recently published article in which we recommended that there should be “greater uniformity in [food] packaging design, colour and descriptions”.1 In light of the Australian Government’s recent mandate on plain packaging for tobacco products,2 we can see no reason why this should not be extended to processed foods possessing no redeeming nutritional qualities. This would include soft drinks, potato chips, a great many of the so-called foods offered as replacements for fruit in children’s school lunches, biscuits and sweets. We challenge the Prime Minister and Minister for Health to do this, or explain why they won’t.
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- School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC.
- 1. Loff B, Crammond BR. Wanted: politicians to champion health (not obesity). Med J Aust 2010; 192: 397-399. <MJA full text>
- 2. Prime Minister of Australia. Anti-smoking action [media release]. 29 Apr 2010. (accessed Jun 2010).