Robert Cutforth, a pioneer of cardiac services in Tasmania and an important contributor to the field of cardiology in Australia as a whole, died on 25 March 2008. Born in England on 19 August 1921, Robert graduated from St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School, London, in 1944 and became a House Physician at St Thomas’ before volunteering for the army and serving in India in 1945. In 1948, he resumed postgraduate training in cardiology at King’s College Hospital, London, where he became a medical tutor in 1954. Working with Dr Sam Oram, he published a highly quoted article on the electrocardiogram in pulmonary embolism.1
- Peter M Brooks
- Michael G Loughhead
- 1. Cutforth RH, Oram S. The electrocardiogram in pulmonary embolism. Br Heart J 1958; 20: 41-60.
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