Adolescence is a time when many young people experiment and start to engage in sexual activity. Individual psychological factors,1,2 peer norms,3 family structure,4 neighbourhood factors,5 poverty, school engagement6 and cultural values about sexuality may all exert powerful influences on a teenager’s decisions (or absence of decisions) about sex.7
The high teenage fertility rate among Indigenous women of 69 per 1000 is more than four times the rate among all Australian teenage women;8 20.2% of pregnant women seen at the Mums and Babies section of Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Services are teenagers.9 Indigenous young people are considered a priority group for sexually transmitted infection (STI) strategies10 and teenage pregnancy programs,11 and have lower rates of contraceptive use than non-Indigenous young people.12 Indigenous adolescents deal with youth transitions and sexual maturation in a society that is often hostile,13 facing socioeconomic and educational disadvantage while working through tasks integral to forming their Indigenous cultural identity.14 Relations between males and females, and family and cultural norms for sexual behaviour may be different in Indigenous communities compared with non-Indigenous communities, and a pattern of earlier transitions and parenthood may be encouraged.15
The Townsville region of Queensland has a large Indigenous population of 16 750 (5.2% of the population);16 70% of these are Aboriginal and 30% are Torres Strait Islander people. We aimed to gain a broad, contextual understanding of the attitudes of Indigenous teenagers in Townsville to pregnancy and parenthood, and the relationships between attitudes, behaviours and outcomes. We report data collected from non-pregnant Indigenous teenagers in three high schools and a homeless youth shelter.
We chose a mixed-methods study design with an inductive qualitative approach. Data collection involved a computer-assisted self-interview (CASI) and focus group interviews. The innovative consultative methods of the project are outlined in Box 1. Briefly, a Young Mums’ Group operating on a participatory action model17,18 served to design the project, and act as key participants and peer interviewers, and as a social support group.
Data were obtained between 27 April and 8 December 2004 from CASI surveys and focus group discussions with Indigenous Year 9–11 students at the three public high schools in Townsville with the highest enrolments of Indigenous students (although Year 12 students were included at one school at the request of students, staff and parents), and Indigenous residents of a homeless youth shelter. The laptop-based CASI, originally designed with input from other surveys,19-21 used appealing multimedia technology to ask questions about home, school, general health and substance use, relationships, sex and contraception, and attitudes towards childbearing. Participants completed the CASI in privacy, but with a peer interviewer ready to assist. Focus group discussions, facilitated by an Indigenous and a non-Indigenous researcher, covered similar areas. These were held with a subgroup of survey participants in single-sex friendship groups, chosen according to principles of theoretical sampling.22 Focus group sessions were audiotaped and transcribed in full. Consent was obtained from participants and their parents for high school students, and from participants alone for youth shelter residents.
Quantitative data were analysed with univariate descriptive measures and t tests or χ2 tests (with continuity correction) using SPSS version 11.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill, USA). A two-tailed P value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. Qualitative data were managed within NVivo qualitative data analysis software (version 1.0; QSR International, Melbourne, Vic) and analysed thematically using inductive methods based on grounded theory.23 Triangulation, respondent validation and exploration of deviant cases were all used to strengthen our findings.22
One hundred survey participants (53.8%) were female, and 86 (46.2%) were male. The age range was 12–18 years (mean, 14.91 years; SD, 1.13). However, 66.3% were aged 14 or 15 years, reflecting lower Indigenous senior high school retention rates.24,25 Almost 56% of participants were identified as Aboriginal, with smaller groups identified as Torres Strait Islander (17.8%), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (20.0%) and South Sea Islander (3.8%). South Sea Islanders were included at the request of students and parents, and did not differ significantly from other participants in terms of age or ethnicity by sex.
A lot of people make out as if girls never want sex, or whatever, it’s just the guys that always want sex, whereas most girls do, it’s just . . . A lot of people make out as if the guys are always the bad ones and stuff. They are in a way, because they’re boys . . . but a lot of chicks are, like, wanting it . . . (School 3, focus group 10 with 6 girls)
I’ve been in the situation before where I’ve been under the influence of alcohol, and met up with a guy or whatever, but there has been no condom around, so, I have had unprotected sex before, I’ll admit . . . You get really worried after it, because, like, I was drunk at the time, I didn’t know what had happened or whatever . . . (School 3, focus group 10 with 6 girls)
The 46% of our sample reporting sexual intercourse and inconsistent condom use is comparable to studies involving other groups of Australian young people.26-28 For example, a national survey of 2388 students found that 25% reported having had sexual intercourse by Year 10, and just over half by Year 12.26 Less information is available about the sexual behaviour of Indigenous young people. The large Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey found that 74.5% of Aboriginal 17-year-olds reported having had sexual intercourse, and for 48.6% this occurred before the age of 16 years. Independent associations with having had sex were age, having left school, drinking alcohol and using marijuana.12 The slightly lower rates of sexual activity we found probably reflect our largely school-based, urban sample.
Young women were mostly concerned by unwanted pregnancy and damage to their reputations as consequences of sexual activity. The low salience of the risk of STIs for participants may represent underdiagnosis, or may be an accurate representation of prevalence in this population,29 but both this and the relatively large proportion of Indigenous adolescents reporting a gay or lesbian orientation warrant further exploration.
Young people’s knowledge about safe sex and birth control was variable, and 60% of sexually active participants reported always using condoms. The limiting factor in condom use seemed to be shame, in terms of bringing up the issue and negotiating condom use at the onset of a sexual relationship. That young womens’ reputations were at risk if they carried a condom or suggested its use encouraged sexual risk behaviour. This finding has been previously reported30,31 and poses challenges for sex education.
Indigenous teenagers, like other teenagers, are experimenting with sex, but not practising safe sex reliably. They need access to comprehensive information about sex, relationships, contraception and infections in a safe, shame-free environment.11,15
Poverty, family dysfunction and educational disadvantage for young Indigenous people may combine to make the consequences of early sexual initiation or pregnancy less cogent, especially for those disengaged from schooling. We cannot assume that early parenthood is “natural” for Indigenous young people, and they must have access to the same opportunities and reproductive rights as other young Australians.15
6 Barriers to contraceptive use from focus group discussions
Damage to reputation for girls if they carry condoms, implying premeditation of sex
Limited knowledge about hormonal contraceptives and sexually transmitted infections
Limited access to hormonal contraceptives
- Sarah L Larkins1,2
- R Priscilla Page3
- Kathryn S Panaretto1
- Robert Scott1
- Melvina R Mitchell1
- Valerie Alberts2
- P Craig Veitch2
- Suzanne McGinty2
- 1 Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Services, Townsville, QLD.
- 2 James Cook University, Townsville, QLD.
- 3 Tropical Medical Training, Townsville, QLD.
We thank all the young Indigenous people who participated so openly in the project, and in particular, the Young Mums who gave so generously of their time and experience in making this project a success. Thanks to staff and the Board of Directors of Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Services and staff of participating schools. The project was supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council Public Health Postgraduate Scholarship (Grant ID: 233516), and funding from the General Practice Education and Training Registrar Scholarship and Research Fund, and the Primary Health Care Research, Education and Development Program Queensland.
None identified.
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- 8. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Births, Australia, 2005. Canberra: ABS, 2005. (ABS Cat. No. 3301.0.) (accessed Apr 2007).
- 9. Panaretto KS, Lee H, Mitchell M, et al. Impact of a collaborative shared antenatal care program for urban Indigenous women: a prospective cohort study. Med J Aust 2005; 182: 514-519. <MJA full text>
- 10. Mindel A, Kippax S. A national sexually transmissible infections strategy: the need for an all-embracing approach. Med J Aust 2005; 183: 502-503. <MJA full text>
- 11. Skinner SR, Hickey M. Current priorities for adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Australia. Med J Aust 2003; 179: 158-161. <MJA full text>
- 12. Zubrick S, Silburn S, Lawrence D, et al. The Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey: the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal children and young people. Perth: Curtin University of Technology and Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, 2005. (accessed Oct 2006).
- 13. Mellor D. Contemporary racism in Australia: the experiences of Aborigines. Pers Soc Psychol Bull 2003; 29: 474-486.
- 14. Groome H. Towards improved understandings of Aboriginal young people. Youth Studies Australia 1995; 14(4): 17-21.
- 15. Arabena K. Preachers, policies and power: the reproductive health of adolescent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. Health Promot J Austr 2006; 17: 85-90.
- 16. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Population distribution, Indigenous Australians, 2001. Canberra: ABS, 2002. (ABS Cat. No. 4705.0.) (accessed Apr 2007).
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- 23. Strauss AL, Corbin J. Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications, 1998.
- 24. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Schools, Australia, 2005. Canberra: ABS, 2005. (ABS Cat. No. 4221.0.) (accessed Apr 2007).
- 25. Hill A, Dawes G, Boon H, et al. Investigating the factors that lead to disengagement of students in the Upper Ross. Townsville: James Cook University, Feb 2005.
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- 27. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Australia’s young people 2003: their health and wellbeing. Canberra: AIHW, 2003. (AIHW Report No. PHE-50.) (accessed Apr 2007).
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- 29. Panaretto KS, Dallachy D, Manessis V, et al. Cervical smear participation and prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in women attending a community-controlled Indigenous health service in North Queensland. Aust N Z J Public Health 2006; 30: 171-176.
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Objective: To gain some understanding of the attitudes and behaviours of Indigenous young people in Townsville concerning relationships, contraception and safe sex.
Design: Cross-sectional study using a computer-assisted self-administered survey and single-sex focus group discussions designed by a Young Mums’ Group operating on participatory action principles and acting as peer interviewers.
Participants and setting: 171 Indigenous students in Years 9–11 at three high schools and 15 residents of a homeless youth shelter in Townsville, Queensland, 27 April – 8 December 2004.
Main outcome measures: Self-reported attitudes and behaviour about relationships, sexual intercourse and contraception.
Results: 84/183 participants (45.9%) reported past sexual intercourse, with 56.1% commencing intercourse at age 13–14 years. The likelihood of having had sex increased with being male (P = 0.001), increasing age, increased perceived sexual activity of peer group (both P = 0.000), and drinking alcohol at least weekly (P = 0.015). Young women were more likely to report unwanted sexual touching (P = 0.031), and less likely to report enjoying sexual intercourse (P = 0.001). The main qualitative themes concerned females’ reputations, coercion, and denial of female desire. Only 49/80 participants (61.3%) reported always using condoms. The main reasons for not using contraception were “just not thinking about it”, shame, and problems with access. Despite having reasonable knowledge about contraception, most lacked the confidence and negotiation skills to communicate with partners about condom use.
Conclusions: Like teenagers elsewhere, Indigenous teenagers in Townsville are becoming sexually active at a young age, and not practising safe sex reliably. The need to protect their reputations puts young women at risk by not being prepared for safe sex by carrying condoms.