One in 25 Australians carries a cystic fibrosis gene mutation, but most do not know it until they have an affected child
The technology for safe, cheap screening for the principal gene mutations responsible for cystic fibrosis has long been available. Nearly 10 years ago, the US National Institutes of Health recommended “testing for gene mutations that cause [cystic fibrosis] be offered as an option to all pregnant couples and those planning a pregnancy”.1 A similar recommendation has been made by a joint committee of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the American College of Medical Genetics.2 In 1998, this Journal published an editorial emphasising the need for Australia to follow suit in promoting carrier screening for cystic fibrosis.3 There has been little response despite the fact that each year 70 babies are born in Australia with cystic fibrosis, almost all to parents with no family history.4
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- Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, VIC.
- 1. National Institutes of Health. Genetic testing for cystic fibrosis. NIH Consens Statement 1997; 15: 1-37.
- 2. American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, American College of Medical Genetics. Preconception and prenatal carrier screening for cystic fibrosis. Clinical and laboratory guidelines. Washington: ACOG, ACMG, 2001.
- 3. Turner GM. Carrier testing for cystic fibrosis. Med J Aust 1998; 168: 375-386.
- 4. Massie RJ, Olsen M, Glazner J, et al. Newborn screening for cystic fibrosis in Victoria: 10 years’ experience (1989-1998). Med J Aust 2000; 172: 584-587.
- 5. Gason AA, Sheffield E, Bankier A, et al. Evaluation of a Tay-Sachs disease screening program. Clin Genet 2003; 63: 386-392.
- 6. Brock DJ. Prenatal screening for cystic fibrosis: 5 years’ experience reviewed. Lancet 1996; 347: 148-150.
- 7. Cunningham S, Marshall T. Influence of five years of antenatal screening on the paediatric cystic fibrosis population in one region. Arch Dis Child 1998; 78: 345-348.
- 8. Clausen H, Brandt NJ, Schwartz M, Skovby F. Psychological impact of carrier screening for cystic fibrosis among pregnant women. Eur J Hum Genet 1996; 4: 120-123.
- 9. Sawyer S, Cook M, Glazner J, et al. Parental reproductive decision making following neonatal screening: perceived severity of CF. Pediatr Pulmonol 1998; 28 (S19): 294.
- 10. Morris JK, Oppenheimer PM. Cost comparison of different methods of screening for cystic fibrosis. J Med Screen 1995; 2: 22-27.
- 11. Verheij JB, Wildhagen MF, Hofstra RM, et al. Preconceptional screening of couples for carriers of cystic fibrosis: a prospective evaluation of effects, costs and savings for different mutation detection methods. Community Genet 1999; 2: 74-81.