To the Editor: I read with great interest the article by Byard et al,1 as well as the previous work by these authors on paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA)-related fatalities in South Australia.2 In 2001, I encountered a similar fatal "outbreak" in Belgium: six fatal cases, four of them in the Antwerp metropolitan area.3,4 Striking similarities between the Belgian and Australian fatalities include the clinical symptoms, the autopsy findings and the history of alleged "ecstasy" intake. Pure PMA tablets were found on a victim with an "xTc" logo pressed onto the surface of the tablets.3
- 1. Byard RW, Rodgers NG, James RA, et al. Death and paramethoxyamphetamine — an evolving problem. Med J Aust 2002; 176: 496. <eMJA full text>
- 2. Byard RW, Gilbert J, James R, Lokan RJ. Amphetamine derivative fatalities in South Australia — is "ecstasy" the culprit? Am J Forensic Med Pathol 1998; 19: 261-265.
- 3. Voorspoels S, Coucke V, Schepens P, Jacobs W. Paramethoxyamphetamine: first fatalities in Belgium. Bull TIAFT 2001; 31: 12-13.
- 4. Voorspoels S, Coucke V, Covaci A, et al. Resurgence of a lethal drug: paramethoxyamphetamine deaths in Belgium. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 2002; 40: 203-204.
- 5. Australian illicit drug report 1994. Canberra: Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence, 1995.
- 6. Ling LH, Marchant C, Buckley NA, et al. Poisoning with the recreational drug paramethoxyamphetamine ("death"). Med J Aust 2001; 174: 453-455. <eMJA full text>
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