The croupier's view

Bronwyn Gaut
Med J Aust 2002; 177 (11): 582. || doi: 10.5694/j.1326-5377.2002.tb04973.x
Published online: 2 December 2002

The MJA now comes to you from downtown Pyrmont, next to Sydney's Darling Harbour and a short roll of the dice from the Sydney Casino. Not only are the premises more fitting for Australia's premier general medical journal, the casino advantage has helped MJA staff to deal the best possible hand to our readers.

In the 12 months from 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002, the MJA received 846 manuscripts and 386 letters. The stakes were high for research manuscripts, with an acceptance rate of 23%. A decision to accept a research manuscript took an average of 169 days (this includes peer review, revision and several reviews by the Editorial Committee); a decision to reject took an average of 36 days. Other categories of submissions were less of a gamble, with an overall acceptance rate of 70%, but this includes commissioned articles.

We had two special issues this year: the very popular "Updates in Medicine" as the first issue of the year, and our regular General Practice issue to coincide with Family Doctor Week in July. MJA Practice Essentials has continued with a new series on Infectious Diseases. We have also published many supplements: on early childhood asthma, depression, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, the role of fats, and the student and junior doctor in distress.

Publishing quality research is not a matter of Russian roulette, or luck of the draw and, as always, we extend enormous gratitude to our reviewers, listed below. They do a tremendous job and the Journal depends on their enthusiasm and dedication. This year we welcome 10 new members to our Content Review Committee; they meet by teleconference every month to assist with difficult decisions about manuscripts and to contribute ideas for the future direction of the Journal.

A very merry festive season to you all.

Content Review Committee

Leon Bach
Adrian Bauman
Flavia Cicuttini
Marie-Louise Dick
Mark Harris
David Isaacs
Paul Johnson
Jenepher Martin
Adrian Mindel
Michael Solomon
Campbell Thompson
Tim Usherwood
Owen Williamson
John Wilson
Jeffrey Zajac


Michael J Abramson
Stephen Ackland
Susan E Adams
Michael A Adena
Rebecca M Albury
Jean-Pierre Allain
Steve J Allsop
Graham A Ambrose
David J Ames
Lisa H Amir
Alison Amos
Alan Andersen
Ian Anderson
Craig S Anderson
Warwick P Anderson
Chris J Andrews
Gavin Andrews
Jack E Ansell
Sanchia Aranda
H Thomas Aretz
Kenneth L Armstrong
David S Armstrong
Ruth M Armstrong
Bruce K Armstrong
Peter C Arnold
Constantine N Aroney
Richard H Ashby
Michael A Ashby
V Judy Atkinson
Marcus D Atlas
Robyn G Attewell
Philip E Aylward
Peter D Baade
Leon A Bach
Christopher J Baggoley
Peter A Baghurst
Ian J Baguley
Ross I Baker
Peter A Bampton
Agnes Bankier
Amanda Barnard
Graeme L Barnes
Joanne Barnes
David R E Barraclough
Bruce H Barraclough
Alexandra L Barratt
Michael B Barton
David A Barton
Jennifer A Batch
Robert G Batey
Diana Battistutta
Forrest Batz
Paul A Bauert
Adrian E Bauman
Peter E Baume
Robert W Beal
Miles H Beaman
Niels G Becker
Michel C Bedard
Justin J Beilby
James R Bell
Sally J Bell
Richard A V Benn
Catherine Bennett
Derrick A Bennett
Michael J Bennett
Elizabeth M Benson
Alan Bensoussan
Keith Bentley
Norbert Berend
Samuel F Berkovic
James V Bertouch
Michael Besser
J H Nicholas Bett
Craig Bingham
Donald J Birkett
Roderick O Bishop
James F Bishop
Deborah A Black
Robert J Black
Grant A Blashki
Alex Blaszczynski
Sidney Bloch
Charlotta Blomberg
Nikolai Bogduk
Terry D Bolin
Patrick G M Bolton
Michael L Booth
Clement R Boughton
T John C Boulton
R Niell Boustred
Steven J Bowe
Carol I Bower
Simon D Bowler
Steven C Boyages
John Boyages
Neil W Boyce
Phillip M Boyce
Ian W Boyd
George Braitberg
Jeffrey Braithwaite
Caroline A Brand
David J Brand
Kent J Bransford
Annette J Braunack-Mayer
Kerry J Breen
Patricia Brennan
Troyen A Brennan
Charles Bridges-Webb
Esther M Briganti
Timothy A Brighton
Helena C Britt
Peter M Brooks
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Christopher J Brown
Wendy Brown
Mark A Brown
David G Bruce
Martin H Bruening
Stewart J Bryant
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Anne E Buist
Max K Bulsara
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Bryan H Burmeister
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Leslie Burnett
Richard J Burns
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Robert F Burrows
Pamela Burton
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Peter Button
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Don G Byrne
Sesto A Cairo
Burcu Cakir
Vic Callanan
A Scott Cameron
Ian D Cameron
Fergus J Cameron
Donald A Campbell
A John Campbell
Lee Ann Campbell
Terence J Campbell
John T Cantor
Gideon A Caplan
Vaughan J Carr
Raymond L Carroll
Jonathan R Carter
Hugh Carter
Meredith Carter
David W Cartwright
Gerry Cassis
Elizabeth M Chalmers
William Y L Chan
Ian M Chapman
Michael G Chapman
Simon Chapman
Peter Charlton
Alan B Chater
Allen C Cheng
Ian R Cheong
Andrew G Child
Donald J Chisholm
Edmond Chiu
Christopher Y P Choong
Peter F M Choong
Roberta T Chow
MacDonald J Christie
Nicolas C Clark
Arthur C L Clark
Michael I Cleary
Leslie G Cleland
Jacqueline C T Close
Paul D Clouston
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Ralph G Cobcroft
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Brian T Collopy
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Elizabeth J Comino
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Michael D Coory
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Stephen M Cordner
A Brian Corrigan
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Douglas J Coster
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Sophia Couzos
Lirio Covey
Chris T Cowell
Luke A Coyle
Paul S Craft
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Julian Crane
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T John Croese
Nick Crofts
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James M Cummins
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J Michael J Dixon
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Terrence G Donald
Susan M Donath

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David R Dossetor
Jo A Douglass
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Francis J Dudley
Anne E Duggan
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Peter Dwyer
John M Dwyer
Terence Dwyer
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Kathy Eagar
W John S Earwaker
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Robert H Edis
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John A Eisman
Henry Ekert
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J Mark Elwood
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Gunther Eysenbach
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Michael C Falk
H John Fardy
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Annabelle Farnsworth
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Ian Martin
Graham Martin
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Chloe Mason
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Jane P Matthews
Richard P Mattick
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William H McCarthy
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Philip I McCloud
Joseph G McCormack
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Ann M McDonald
Patrick McElduff
Peter B McIntyre
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Allan F McKenzie
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Donald McNeil
John J McNeil
Paul M McNeill
Ian B McPhee
John R McPhee
Robert J McRichie
William R McWhirter
Alan P Meagher
Craig M Mellis
Samuel Menahem
George Mendelson
Ian T Meredith
Constantine A Michael
Peter J Milburn
Graeme C Miller
Mark K Miller
Russell K Miller
Deborah J Mills
Richard Milne
Roger L Milne
Adrian Mindel
David H Mitchell
Heather S Mitchell
Peter J Mitchell
Philip B Mitchell
Allan R Molloy
Michael Moont
David J Moran
Kieran T Moran
Philip L P Morris
Robert G Moses
Robert F W Moulds
Trevor J Mudge
Lindsay M Murray
Dominique Musselman
Colin T Myers
Peter T Myers
Kenneth A Myers
Paul S Myles
Balakrishnan R Nair
Matthew T Naughton
Michael Naughton
Mark R Nelson
Charles B Nemeroff
Harry M Nespolon
Zeev E Neuwirth
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Angus Nicoll
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Paul Nisselle
Peter F Nixon
Antony Nocera
B E Christopher Nordin
Robert J Norman
Robert E Norton
Robyn N Norton
Barry Nurcombe
Edward A Oakley
Jeremy J N Oats
Christopher J O'Callaghan
Dianne L O'Connell
Daniel O'Connor
John F X O'Dea
Christopher J O'Donnell
Robyn E O'Hehir
Leslie G Olson
Ian N Olver
John K Olynyk
Tat Hin Ong
Stephen S Opat
John W Orchard
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Richard H Osborne
Orso L Osti
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Suzanne M Packer
Neil S Paget
Malcolm H Parker
Gordon B Parker
Colin M Parkes
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Lester J Peters
Marion Peters
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Wai-On Phoon
Andre Picard
Avinesh Pillai
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Leon Piterman
W Robert Pitt
E Geoffrey Playford
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C Dimity Pond
Sanford Porter
Solomon Posen
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Field W Rickards
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Trang Thomas
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Doris Y L Young
Graeme P Young
Margaret R Zacharin
Jeffrey D Zajac
Paul Z Zimmet
Stephen R Zubrick
Nicholas A Zwar
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