There is compelling evidence that doctors are an at-risk group. Their high rates of mental illness and stress-related illness are of particular concern, and are reflected in tragically high suicide rates, high levels of drug abuse, and decreased job satisfaction and "burnout".1,2 All of these are powerful indicators of poor self-care.
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- 1. Lawrence J. The tragedy of doctor suicide. Journal of the Queensland Branch of the Australian Medical Association 1997; 12-13.
- 2. Schlicht SM, Gordon IR, Richard J, Christie GS. Suicide and related deaths in Victorian doctors. Med J Aust 1990; 153: 518-521.
- 3. Raphael B, Hugh G. Doctors and depression — the clinical viewpoint. NSW Doctor, July 1997; 13.
- 4. Pullen D, Lonie C, Lyle D, et al. The medical care of doctors. Med J Aust 1995; 162: 481-482.
- 5. Goldberg D. The General Health Questionnaire. East Windsor (UK): NFER Publishing Company, 1978.
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I acknowledge the support of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Ryde Division of General Practice – Doctors for Doctors Working Group, and the Northern Sydney Area Health Service – Network Committee.