
Volume 175 Issue 1

2 July 2001



  • Asthma and hayfever in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children living in non-remote rural towns Sara H Downs, Guy B Marks, Elena G Belosouva, Jennifer K Peat (MJA 2001; 175: 10-13)
  • Appendicectomy in Western Australia: profile and trends, 1981-1997 Neil J Donnelly, James B Semmens, David R Fletcher, C D'Arcy J Holman (MJA 2001; 175: 15-18)
  • Depression among Australian adolescents Joseph M Rey, Michael G Sawyer, Jennifer J Clark, Peter A Baghurst (MJA 2001; 175: 19-23)

Indigenous Health

Public Health

  • Paralytic shellfish poisoning: a potential public health problem Leigh Lehane (MJA 2001; 175: 29-31)

Notable Cases

  • Survivor of a stingray injury to the heart Printable PDF
  • Beatrix F Weiss, Hugh D Wolfenden (MJA 2001; 175: 33-34)

Evidence-based Medicine

  • EBM and the health of Indigenous Australians Robyn A McDermott (MJA 2001; 175: 35-37)


Medical Education

  • The Australian contribution towards medical training in Malawi Adamson S Muula, Robin L Broadhead (MJA 2001; 175: 42-47)


Med J Aust 2001; 175 (1): 7-8


Neil J Donnelly, James B Semmens and David R Fletcher

Med J Aust 2001; 175 (1): 15-18 Free

Indigenous health

Alan Cass, Joan Cunningham, Zhiqiang Wang and Wendy Hoy

Med J Aust 2001; 175 (1): 24-27 Free


Wayne D Hall, Louisa J Degenhardt and David Currow

Med J Aust 2001; 175 (1): 39-40