
Volume 173 Issue 9

6 November 2000



  • Recent trends in the use of antidepressant drugs in Australia, 1990-1998 Peter McManus, Andrea Mant, Philip B Mitchell, William S Montgomery, John Marley, Merran E Auland (MJA 2000; 173: 458-461)
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for colorectal cancer in average-risk people: update of a community-based project Judith A Collett, John K Olynyk, Cameron F Platell (MJA 2000; 173: 463-466)

Public health

  • Measles outbreak in young adults in Victoria, 1999 Stephen B Lambert, Melissa L Morgan, Michaela A Riddell, Ross M Andrews, Heath A Kelly, Jennie A Leydon, Mike C Catton, Pauline A Lynch, Debbie K Gercovich, Rosemary A Lester, John A Carnie, Graham J Rouch (MJA 2000; 173: 467-471)


  • Virtual colonoscopy compared with conventional colonoscopy: a developing technology Richard M Mendelson, Noellene M Foster, John T Edwards, Christopher J Wood, Melanie S Rosenberg, Geoffrey M Forbes (MJA 2000; 173: 472-475)

Notable cases

Medicine and the community

EBM in action

  • Can tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil prevent MRSA? Jeremy N Anderson, Paul A Fennessy (MJA 2000; 173: 489)

New drugs, old drugs



Gordon B Parker

Med J Aust 2000; 173 (9): 452-453

David W Kissane

Med J Aust 2000; 173 (9): 456


Peter McManus, Andrea Mant, Philip B Mitchell, William S Montgomery, John Marley and Merran E Auland

Med J Aust 2000; 173 (9): 458-461 Free

Notable cases

Nicholas D Manton, Jill Lipsett, David J Moore, Geoffrey P Davidson and Anthony J Bourne

Med J Aust 2000; 173 (9): 476-479 Free

Medicine and the community

Aled G Williams, Debra L O'Brien, Kylie J Laughton and George A Jelinek

Med J Aust 2000; 173 (9): 480-483

Sarah E Romans, Marion R Poore and Judy L Martin

Med J Aust 2000; 173 (9): 484-488

New Drugs, Old Drugs

Chris G McMahon

Med J Aust 2000; 173 (9): 492-497