- Asthma management: still much to do Christine R Jenkins, H John Fardy (MJA 1999; 171: 341-342)
- Erectile dysfunction in the Australian community Michael P Lowy (MJA 1999; 171: 342-343)
- Screening, case finding and evidence-based guidelines John J McNeil, Paul E O'Brien (MJA 1999; 171: 344-345)
- Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy for non-ulcer dyspepsia: what is the evidence? Anne E Duggan (MJA 1999; 171: 345-346)
- A South Australian population survey of the ownership of asthma action plans Richard E Ruffin, David Wilson, Anne Marie Southcott, Brian Smith, Robert J Adams (MJA 1999; 171: 348-351)
- Erectile dysfunction in the community: a prevalence study Carole B Pinnock, Alan M F Stapleton,Villis R Marshall (MJA 1999; 171: 353-357)
- Hormone therapy use in Australian-born women: a longitudinal study Janet R Guthrie, Corrine V Garamszegi, Emma C Dudley, Lorraine Dennerstein, Adele Green, Alastair H MacLennan, Henry G Burger (MJA 1999; 171: 358-361)
- General practitioners' perceptions of medicolegal risk Using case scenarios to assess the potential impact of prostate cancer screening guidelines
- Seham Girgis, Jeanette E Ward, Colin J H Thomson (MJA 1999; 171: 362-366)
Diagnostic Dilemma
- Delay in diagnosing juvenile arthritis Prudence J Manners (MJA 1999; 171: 367-369)
- Simplified DOTS to improve tuberculosis control in Asia and the Pacific? David Wilkinson (MJA 1999; 171: 370-372)
For Debate
- Sex selection: the case for Julian Savulescu (MJA 1999; 171: 373-375)
New Drugs, Old Drugs,
- Leukotriene receptor antagonist drugs for asthma Francis C K Thien (MJA 1999; 171: 378-381)
Med J Aust 1999; 171 (7): 342-343
Med J Aust 1999; 171 (7): 344-345
Med J Aust 1999; 171 (7): 348-351 Free
Med J Aust 1999; 171 (7): 353-357 Free
Med J Aust 1999; 171 (7): 362-366
For debate
Med J Aust 1999; 171 (7): 373-375