- Outcome measures of an Australian breast-screening program Alan Rodger, Anne M Kavanagh (MJA 1998; 169: 179-180)
- Use of complementary medicines: scientific and ethical issues Paul A Komesaroff (MJA 1998; 169: 180-181)
- Interval breast cancers in an Australian mammographic screening program Mary T Rickard, Richard J Taylor, Mohamed A Fazli, Nadima El Hassan (MJA 1998; 169: 184-187) Abstract - Article
- Helicobacter pylori infection: an added stressor on iron status of women in the community Hedley G Peach, Nicole E Bath, Stephen J Farish (MJA 1998; 169: 188-190)
- Psychological morbidity and quality of life in Australian women with early-stage breast cancer: a cross-sectional survey David W Kissane, David M Clarke, Jillian Ikin, Sidney Bloch, Graeme C Smith, Luis Vitetta, Dean P McKenzie (MJA 1998; 169: 192-196)
Notable Cases
- Cerebral histoplasmosis in an Australian patient with systemic lupus erythematosus Alice-Ann Sullivan, Susan M Benson, Arthur H Ewart, Patrick G Hogan, R Michael Whitby, Richard S Boyle (MJA 1998; 169: 201-202)
- The diastolic debate: is it time to discard Korotkoff phase IV in favour of phase V for blood pressure measurements in pregnancy? Susan P Walker, John R Higgins, Shaun P Brennecke (MJA 1998; 169: 203-205)
New Drugs, Old Drugs
- Proton pump inhibitors Peter H Katelaris (MJA 1998; 169: 208-211)
Medicine and the Law
- Breast cancer and malpractice litigation Allan O Langlands (MJA 1998; 169: 212-214)
Clinical Practice
- Antenatal screening and prenatal diagnosis of thalassaemia: an update Kirsten A Small, Fung Yee Chan (MJA 1998; 169: 215-219)
MJA Practice Essentials - Gastroenterology
- Diseases associated with Helicobacter pylori Anouk T Dev, John R Lambert (MJA 1998; 169: 220-225)
Med J Aust 1998; 169 (4): 179-180
Med J Aust 1998; 169 (4): 180-181
Med J Aust 1998; 169 (4): 182-183
Med J Aust 1998; 169 (4): 184-187 Free
Med J Aust 1998; 169 (4): 197-200
For debate
Med J Aust 1998; 169 (4): 174-178