
Volume 165 Issue 5

2 September 1996


  • Autism: time for a national approach to early assessment and management Bruce J Tonge (MJA 1996; 165: 244)
  • Epilepsy: progress in solving mysteries and dispelling myths Samuel F Berkovic, Peter F Bladin (MJA 1996; 165: 245)
  • Changing perceptions of osteoarthritis Nicholas Bellamy (MJA 1996; 165: 247)


  • Bicycle riding and oral/maxillofacial trauma in young children Caroline H C Acton, James W Nixon, Ronald C Clark (MJA 1996; 165: 249)
  • Managing chronic back pain: impact of an interdisciplinary team approach Hilary A Flavell, Gino P Carrafa, Clayton H Thomas, Peter B Disler (MJA 1996; 165: 253)
  • An outbreak of Japanese encephalitis in the Torres Strait, Australia, 1995 Jeffrey N Hanna, Scott A Ritchie, Debra A Phillips, Jack Shield, M Clare Bailey, John S Mackenzie, Michael Poidinger, Bradley J McCall, Phillip J Mills Article - Abstract (MJA 1996; 165: 256)

Notable Cases

Managing HIV

  • Protecting the blood supply from HIV Brenton R Wylie, Roger Y Dodd (MJA 1996; 165: 264)
  • HIV prevention in the community: injecting drug users Alex Wodak, Kate Dolan (MJA 1996; 165: 266)
  • Epidemiological surveillance for HIV and AIDS John M Kaldor, Nick Crofts (MJA 1996; 165: 268)

Point of View

  • Price competition, professional cooperation and standards Peter C Arnold (MJA 1996; 165: 272)

MJA Practice Essentials - Dermatology

  • Advances in topical therapy for skin diseases Elizabeth M Willsteed (MJA 1996; 165: 274)



Jeffery H Hanna, Scott A Ritchie, Debra A Phillip, Jack Shield, John S Mackenzie, Michael Poidinger, Bradley J McCall and Phillip J Mills

Med J Aust 1996; 165 (5): 256 Free

Notable cases

Christopher H Lawrence

Med J Aust 1996; 165 (5): 262 Free


Ian H Kerridge, Peter Saul and Robert G Batey

Med J Aust 1996; 165 (5): 282