
Volume 164 Issue 3

5 February 1996


  • Hepatitis C: questions to be answered Simone I Strasser 132
  • That's the limit: alcohol consumption and health John B Saunders 133
  • Oily fish and asthma - a fishy story? Francis C K Thien, Rosalie K Woods, E Haydn Walters 135


  • Consumption of oily fish and childhood asthma risk Linda Hodge, Cheryl M Salome, Jennifer K Peat, Michelle M Haby, Wei Xuan, Ann J Woolcock 137
  • Meta-analysis of alcohol and all-cause mortality: a validation of NHMRC recommendations C D'Arcy J Holman, Dallas R English, Elizabeth Milne, Michael G Winter 141
  • Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in the Top End of Australia's Northern Territory Jonathan R Carapetis, Don R Wolff, Bart J Currie 146
  • Chronic hepatitis C and interferon alfa therapy: predictors of long term response Peter J Jenkins, Suzanne L Cromie, D Scott Bowden, Caroline F Finch, Francis J Dudley 150

Notable Cases

  • When is hypospadias not hypospadias? Steven Y C Tong, Karen Donaldson, John M Hutson 153


  • Working overseas: obtaining a residency or fellowship in the United States Martin J Carey, Therese M Dawson, Kim M Yates 155


Managing HIV

  • Structure and function of HIV Anthony L Cunningham, Dominic E Dwyer, John Mills, Luc Montagnier 161
  • How HIV produces immune deficiency Rosemary Ffrench, Graeme J Stewart, Ronald Penny, Jay A Levy 166
  • How HIV leads to opportunistic infections Suzanne M Crowe, Richard S Kornbluth 171

Medicine and the Community

  • Great expectations: the coroner's report on the South Australian haemolytic uraemic syndrome outbreak Craig B Dalton, Robert M Douglas 175

Medicine and the Law

  • Is there a medical litigation crisis? Paul A Komesaroff, Megan A Keaney, Paul Nisselle, Ian M Dunn 178


Rosalie K Woods

Med J Aust 1996; 164 (3): Free


Linda Hodge, Cheryl M Salome, Jennifer K Peat, Michelle M Haby, Wei Xuan and Ann J Woolcock

Med J Aust 1996; 164 (3): 137 Free


Helen P Beange

Med J Aust 1996; 164 (3): 159-160 Free