The favoured belief that phases of the moon (“Luna”) and extreme human behaviour are closely linked is alive and well within the health care system. This folklore, which links behavioural disturbance with the full moon (ie, the lunar phase of the brightest illumination), is not easily explained by modern science but is regularly observed. Ask any seasoned health care worker who deals directly with the more troubled public and they will argue that there is a monthly predictability of behavioural disturbance. Those most enthusiastic about the link between disturbed behaviour and the full moon are mental health care workers, nurses in dementia units, emergency department (ED) staff and university students.1 In EDs, it manifests as extreme behaviour in drug or alcohol intoxicated patients who assault the department on a regular basis with violent and aggressive behaviour.2,3 So why do we recognise a link, yet doubt its credibility?
The literature abounds with studies to dispel this legendary phenomenon. Sceptics label it superstition, selective recall, bias and sensationalism.1 However, attempts to debunk the association between the moon and acts of lunacy have looked only at specific patient groups.4-8 Perhaps these groups are insufficiently disturbed to establish the association. Other studies have looked at the prevalence of car accidents, crisis centre calls, suicidality, and disturbed behaviour in institutionalised patients with mental illness during the full moon9 — but are these really the most extreme behaviours? For example, mental health institutions have improved considerably since the days when they were referred to as “lunatic asylums”. Improvements include the introduction of artificial lighting, which may dispel effects of the moon, and antipsychotic medication, which modifies behaviour and potentially reduces patient vulnerability to lunar phases. However, patients with less severe disturbance are still used by many researchers to investigate the effect of the lunar phases on disturbed behaviour.
Of 91 patients who presented to the ED with violent and acute behavioural disturbance, 21 (23%) presented during the full moon, which was approximately double the number for other lunar phases (Box). The posterior probability that the event rate during the full moon was greater than during other phases was 0.998. This is equivalent to a one-sided P value of 0.002 for a classical test of the null hypothesis that the two Poisson rates were equal, versus the alternate hypothesis that the full moon event rate was greater than the non-full moon event rate. Sixty of the 91 patients (66%) had alcohol intoxication and/or psychostimulant toxicity. Five of the 91 patients attacked staff — biting (2), spitting (1), kicking (1) and scratching (1).
There were 512 hospital security calls for assistance to help manage people who were displaying difficult behaviour; approximately equal numbers of these calls occurred during each of the lunar phases (Box), with no statistically significant increase in number during the full moon. Few of these patients were physically restrained or sedated; when confronted, they had the ability to listen and see reason, take medication if required, and alter their behaviour.
We found that violent and acute behavioural disturbance manifested more commonly during the full moon, and most patients with violent and acute behavioural disturbance had indulged in alcohol, recreational drugs or both. In addition, our data confirmed previous findings showing that people with less severe behavioural disturbance present equally throughout the lunar phases.4-8 In spite of security being required, physical restraint or sedation was rarely required to manage these latter patients. This more controlled group is likely to be of similar temperament and level of agitation as groups in previous studies which have attempted to dispute the validity of a lunar link. It could be argued that such groups are not representative of pure lunacy.
The mechanism that underlies the association between behavioural disturbance and the lunar cycle is open for speculation. It has been suggested that the disturbance arises because full moon nights are 12 times brighter under a clear sky than those during the first and last quarter phases, and therefore it is likely that people stay up later and sleep less.10 Even partial sleep deprivation over the course of one night can induce mania.10 It is plausible that sleep disturbance during a full moon may exacerbate a manic episode in a predisposed individual. Another theory for the association between disturbed behaviour and the lunar cycle is that there is a tidal influence on the 70% water content of the human body, similar to the gravitational influence of the moon on the tides.11,12 Such theories of the moon’s influence over the brain, because of the brain’s high water content, date as far back as Thomas Aquinas’ publication of Summa theologica in the 1200s, in which Aquinas discussed the brain being the most “moist” part of the body and therefore most affected by the moon.13
However, these theories do not explain the increased frequency of patients presenting to the ED with violent and acute behavioural disturbance during the full moon. Some of these patients attacked the staff like animals — biting, spitting and scratching — and one might compare them with werewolves of the past, who are said to have also appeared during the full moon.14,15 It has been reported that the practice of rubbing magic ointment on the skin or inhaling vapour from a magic potion by an alleged lycanthrope induces metamorphosis.16 Not surprisingly, the main ingredients of these ointments and potions were belladonna and nightshade, which are anticholinergic toxins that are known to produce delirium, hallucinations and delusions of bodily metamorphosis.15 The modern-day werewolf appears to prefer alcohol, which is more readily available. However, the metamorphosis is no less dynamic.
- Leonie A Calver1
- Barrie J Stokes2
- Geoffrey K Isbister1,2
- 1 Department of Clinical Toxicology and Pharmacology, Calvary Mater Newcastle Hospital, Newcastle, NSW.
- 2 Discipline of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW.
This project was funded by the NSW Health Drug and Alcohol Research Grants Program 2007/08.
None identified.
- 1. Iosif A, Ballon B. Bad moon rising: the persistent belief in lunar connections to madness. CMAJ 2005; 173: 1498-1500.
- 2. Downes MA, Healy P, Page CB, et al. Structured team approach to the agitated patient in the emergency department. Emerg Med Australas 2009; 21: 196-202.
- 3. Martel M, Sterzinger A, Miner J, et al. Management of acute undifferentiated agitation in the emergency department: a randomized double-blind trial of droperidol, ziprasidone, and midazolam. Acad Emerg Med 2005; 12: 1167-1172.
- 4. Owen C, Tarantello C, Jones M, Tennant C. Lunar cycles and violent behaviour. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 1998; 32: 496-499.
- 5. Buckley NA, Whyte IM, Dawson AH. There are days . . . and moons. Self-poisoning is not lunacy. Med J Aust 1993; 159: 786-789.
- 6. Amaddeo F, Bisoffi G, Micciolo R, et al. Frequency of contact with community-based psychiatric services and the lunar cycle: a 10-year case-register study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 1997; 32: 323-326.
- 7. Chapman S, Morrell S. Barking mad? Another lunatic hypothesis bites the dust. BMJ 2000; 321: 1561-1563.
- 8. Thompson DA, Adams SL. The full moon and ED patient volumes: unearthing a myth. Am J Emerg Med 1996; 14: 161-164.
- 9. Rotton J, Kelly IW. Much ado about the full moon: a meta-analysis of lunar-lunacy research. Psychol Bull 1985; 97: 286-306.
- 10. Raison CL, Klein HM, Steckler M. The moon and madness reconsidered. J Affect Disord 1999; 53: 99-106.
- 11. Thakur CP, Sharma RN, Akhtar HS. Full moon and poisoning. BMJ 1980; 281: 1684.
- 12. Myers DE. Gravitational effects of the period of high tides and the new moon on lunacy. J Emerg Med 1995; 13: 529-532.
- 13. Aquinas T. Summa theologica, Part I, Question 115.
- 14. Garlipp P, Godecke-Koch T, Dietrich DE, Haltenhof H. Lycanthropy — psychopathological and psychodynamical aspects. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2004; 109: 19-22.
- 15. Time Life Books. Mysteries of the unknown: transformations. 2nd ed. New York: Time Life Education, 1995.
- 16. Bennett A. So, you want to be a werewolf? Fate 2002; 55 (6): 627.
Objective: The belief that the full moon and disturbed behaviour are closely linked is alive and well, despite studies to the contrary. We investigated the possibility that there is an association between only extreme behavioural disturbance and the full moon.
Design, setting and participants: We undertook an observational study of patients with violent and acute behavioural disturbance who presented to the emergency department of Calvary Mater Newcastle and patients with less severe behaviour for whom hospital security calls were made.
Main outcome measure: Proportion of patients for whom presentation or security call occurred in each lunar phase, modelled as a Poisson process.
Results: Of 91 patients with violent and acute behavioural disturbance, 21 (23%) presented during the full moon — double the number for other lunar phases (P = 0.002). Sixty (66%) had either alcohol intoxication or psychostimulant toxicity, and five attacked staff (biting [2], spitting [1], kicking [1] and scratching [1]). In contrast, 512 hospital security calls for patients with less severe behaviour were evenly distributed throughout the lunar cycle.
Conclusion: Violent and acute behavioural disturbance manifested more commonly during the full moon.